Allergies In Children
in Children
One in three Children in North America, Australia and New Zealand will
be effected by an Allergy at some time intheir young lives. Every year
the number of those effected continues to grow. Statistics show that
present numbers of Children with Allergies is now twice
what it was just 20
years ago.
Allergy problems are very common in children. Once they gat an allergy
it can often stay with them their whole life. While the symptoms can be
treated, there is no known cure at present.
So, with no Allergy cure as yet available, we must use what is currently
known about the diseases to lessen the number of Children who might get
If you think that your child might be an Allergy sufferer you had
better consult with your physician. The physician will check the
child's Allergy Symptoms and might
arrange some Allergy
Tests to see if the child does have an Allergy and if so what type of Allergy and whether it is
mild or severe. Read our Allergy Tests page for more facts on this
What do we know?
We know that Allergies are simply hyper-sensitive responses by the
immune system to common substances. The substances do not bother most
people. The responses can be mild in some cases at other times they can
be severe and life threatening.
The actual substance that causes the Allergies in Children
as called an Allergen.
Allergens can be in food and in the environmental. Food Allergens
include lactose (the natural sugar in milk), gluten (found mainly in
grains like wheat), peanuts and tree nuts, seafood and shellfish.
Environmental Allergens include naturally occuring substances like
pollen, dust mites, pets, stinging insect bites (like bees), grass,
hay, and mold; and manmade substances like cigarette smoke and some
prescription drugs that are based on penicillin and sulphur.
We know that you cannot catch an Allergy like you catch a cold. You are
capable of getting an Allergy due to your genetic makeup.
Children are not able to select who their parents will be. So it is up
to the parents to take some basic measures to help lessen the risk that
their Children may face.
Around the dwelling house or in the office, where ever possible and
practical look at the following solutions. Make sure you vacuum all the
carpets and wipe down the surfaces of furniture very regularly to help
reduce pollen and dust mites. Move the kids out of the room while
vacuuming as you can tend to stir up the Allergens and make them
airborn. If you have an Allergy, think about wearing a mask. Some folk
find that a good old fashioned damp cloth works much better than a
feather duster because it does not blow the Allergens around. Scrub
away any moldy spots in bathrooms, kitchens etc. Use a HEPA filtered
air cleaner or air conditioner. Place pets outside the home or if that
not possible keep them out of the sleeping areas.