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Pet Allergy Facts

Pet Allergy Facts

Did you know that nearly 1/3 of all Allergy sufferers have a Pet Allergy.

The most common Pet Allergy is to either dogs or cats. Other types include horses, rabbits, mice and guinea pigs. The primary symptoms of a Pet Allergy are similar to having asthma.

Cats have got particular secretors (glands) in the surface of their skin which make Allergens. Think of them as cat sweat.

Because cats always lick themselves when grooming, their tounges spread the Allergens all over their trunks. The Allergens then become adhered to the cat's fur which transfers itself on to anything it sits on or rubs up against.

Cat Allergens have been studied and have been found to stay potent for several years.  If you do not get rid of them they will continue to trigger your Pet Allergy.

Dogs do not have the same special skin glands that cats have. Dogs produce their Allergens with their saliva. The dog's saliva gets on to their skin and fur when they lick themselves. This spreads the Allergens over their bodies. Some dogs also have the habit of drooling their saliva all over the place.

The same for dogs as with cats. The allergen covered fur hairs  transfer to anything the pet sits on or rubs up against. Both dogs and cats shed not only fur (hair) but also skin flakes everywhere. The shedded skin is called "pet dander" (just like dandruf).

Your Allergy can be triggered if you hold or pat your animal, let it rub up against your skin or clothing, or you can breath in their flaked off skin (dander) and fur particles.

You don't even have to own a pet. It could be someone else's pet that triggers your Allergy. They could pat their animal and then touch you, which will then trigger your Pet Allergy. 

Another way is you could move into a new appartment, and the previous tenant had a pet that you happen to be Allergic to. Because the outgoing tenant or landlord did not clean the place properly, there are still plenty of fur and skin flakes in the appartment that will trigger your Pet Allergy.

There are various Pet Allergy Symptons. They include asthma, problems breathing, sneezing, wheezy chest, watery and/or itchy eyes. There can also be a red rash on either your face, neck and chest. For young children this is very similar to eczema.

If you would like some helpful hints to help you manage your Pet Allergy, visit our Help With Your Pet Allergy page. 

So, if you believe you have a Pet Allergy, you had better talk to your physician or medical advisor.

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